
Web Class note



Web Design


DBM Course


Web Design - Class note

13 Nov 2023

  • Course Syllabus

Please go to


And go to slides at 


Slide: 01-How computer works

Slide: 02-Programming Languages

Slide #11:

Try "Create game using PHP"

Change PHP to C++

Change PHP to Unity

Let's student try some queries

<Solution> + <Languages Tools>

Answer in “Student Interactive Board” Google Doc for your ATTN


Check Visual Studio Code in your machine

Goto Search Box type → VS Code

Create new file

  • Save file as hello.html

Hello World in HTML

Hello World in JavaScript

Next Class - Slide: 03-Coding 101

Class: 20 Nov 2023

Slide: 03-Coding 101

Slide #19

Break: 10:10 → 10:25

Slide: 04-Basic command prompt

#4 Open Command Prompt

Click the Program Search in a lower-right corner

Type “CMD” → enter

Open VS Code

Click the Program Search in a lower-right corner

Type “vscode” → Enter

  • Create new file “hello.html” in the Desktop

  • Type the content of the file and save

  • Check the file in the Desktop

  • Close the VS Code

>cd Desktop


>cd \


(Observe the directory name)

Try go to non-existing directory

>cd Desktop

(Error message)

>cd Users


(Looking for your username SC505 - LAB class)

>cd SC505

>cd Desktop


(Looking for hello.html)

Try full location

>cd \

>cd C:\Users\SC505\Desktop

Now, Make sure that you are in Desktop, create new directory

>md MyCode

Copy the hello.html to MyCode\hello.html

>copy hello.html MyCode\hello.html

Now, you will have the hello.html in “MyCode” directory

Delete hello.html in “MyCode”

>del MyCode\hello.html

Move the hello.html to MyCode directory with the “hello2.html” name

>move hello.html MyCode\hello2.html

>cd MyCode

>ren hello2.html hello3.html

Now you have “hello3.html” in “MyCode” folder

Close the Command Prompt window


Finish, Command Prompt topic

Next Class: 05-Git for Classroom - JavaScript

Class: 27 Nov 2023


  1. Goto github.com

  2. Please use personal email

  3. Register and prepare username and password

  4. Sign in


  • Repository: Folder on github

  • (Best practice: Use the same name with our machine’s folder)

  • Checkout: action to prepare your code to push/pull

Slide: 05 Git for classroom

Check the git in the machine


The computer will show the git command instruction manual.

If not, download git from:


Go to Desktop folder

>cd Desktop

Repo: TestGit08

Create folder

>md TestGit08

>cd TestGit08

>md catalog

Run Visual Studio code

>code catalog

(You can try closing the command prompt and visual studio and open ‘catalog’ folder again

In VS Code

Click icon ‘New File’ to add file “index.html”



Hello World



Save the file

Try using “Google Chrome” to open “index.html”

Create new Google Docs (or MS-Word online) to note your git command

Now, Goto Github

Create new repo “TestGit08” with MIT License and Readme File

  • Description “This is for the web design” classroom

  • Set to Public

  • Click “Create Repository”

Now, you can put “Student ID and Name” in the Readme file and commit the change.

Slide #13 Create token and copy it to your note

Copy initial script (4 git commands) Slide #14 to your note, Change it to your name and email

Copy other 4 git commands (Slide #15) to your note, update the token and username

Back to command prompt

Make sure that you are in the “TestGit08” directory

…. TestGit08>

Run 8 git commands (git init to git push)

You should see your code in github

Break: 10:30 - 10:50

Go to Slide #17

Update your index.html

Update your git commands

Then, run git commands again (only last four, git add → git push)

Go to github and check your master02 branch


Go to different machine (Maybe other machine in your place)

Try to pull the code to your new machine #16 to #23

Slide: 06-JavaScript essential 01

Website → Collection of the web pages

Web page is HTML → WWW

Finish at #7

Next class Architecture before coding

Class: 4 Dec 2023

After the break, we will try git pull, therefore, please make sure that you have the “TestGit08” in your repository on GitHub with “Hello World” web


Slide: 07-Web Architecture

Break: 10:30 - 10:50

Prepare your git command script

In git pull command, make sure that the branch is the latest branch (master02)

Type cmd in Windows search → Enter

>cd Desktop

Create Repo Folder ‘TestGit08’ on Desktop

Create ‘catalog’ folder inside ‘TestGit08’ 

>md TestGit08

>cd TestGit08

>md catalog

Make sure that your current directory in ‘TestGit08’ not ‘catalog’

Run git init 4 commands (from git init to git config)

Run git pull 3 commands (from git add to git pull)

Now, you should see the index.html in your ‘catalog’ folder

>code catalog

Slide: 06-JavaScript Essential 01

Copy the code in slide #4 to your index.html

Save and Use Google Chrome to Open it

Now, you can try JavaScript code

var m = 10; // 1 to 10

for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {



Save the file and run, prepare to push the branch ‘master03’

Make sure that your current directory is ‘TestGit08’

Change the git push script to master03 and message “Try - for loop”

Run 4 git push commands (git add until git push)

Check your github.com page

Go to Web Design Student Interactive Board and put this information for your ATTN checking.

<Dhirachat Ch>



Next Class: Slide: 06-JavaScript Essential 01 #9

When you attend the class, prepare the source code from the latest class by using git pull.

Class 18 Dec 2023

  • Git pull

  • Continue JavaScript Essentials 01

Break: 10:17 - 10:30

Midterm examination

4 questions

Create 2 static pages (In class - today)

Create 2 pages from the given topics (Similar to assignment - Video tutorials)


Teacher Github: MyNuxtLesson

1. Create Nuxt Project (my-nuxt)

– Click ‘Windows’ button and run ‘cmd’ command

>cd Desktop (-- Use your own folder)

>npm install npm -g

>npx nuxi init my-nuxt

Answer y 

Select npm

Answer no (Git initialization)

>cd my-nuxt

>npm install

>cd ..

>code my-nuxt

>cd my-nuxt

Try edit source code 'app.vue'



Hello World


To run a program

>npm run dev -- -o

Now you should see a web program

Create “pages” folder in my-nuxt

Create about.vue in “pages”

Create index.vue in “pages”

Delete “app.vue”

(VS Code) goto Extensions →  install Vue VSCode Snippets

Edit – index.vue –

Type “vbase”, the program will popup the choices

Choose “Vbase-3-ts-setup”

Then index.vue become Home page

Use code in


Copy only template and style section

– index.vue —


– about.vue –


Go back to command prompt

You may need to restart server

→ Ctrl-C → Y

Run server again

>npm run dev -- -o




https://nuxt.com/modules” find Tailwind CSS


Stop running the web site

Ctrl-C → Y

>npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/tailwindcss

Then edit “nuxt.config.ts” to be:

export default defineNuxtConfig({

  devtools: { enabled: true },

  modules: [




Now goto github branch “master06”

In “my-nuxt” folder, create “layouts” folder

Create “default.vue” in “layouts” folder

Type “vbase3”

Choose vbase3-ts-setup

Copy the source code from branch master06 “layouts/default.vue” on template and style section

Start web server again

>npm run dev -- -o

Now you finish your first web already

Open-book policy midterm 2/2023 

  1. You cannot use screen capture or video tutorials 

  2. You cannot use Artificial Intelligence services like Open AI, Bard 

  3. You cannot use non-English online resources 

  4. You cannot perform any communication (online/offline) 

  5. You cannot use other electronic devices (Smart phone, Tablet, Smart Watch) 

  6. You can use offline note/textbook (no borrowing) 

Resources for Midterm examination 2.2023


Recap Midterm 2/2023


Create Web Page with Nuxt 3 (18 Dec 2023) - Part 1


Create Web Page with Nuxt 3 (18 Dec 2023) - Part 2


Wireframe - Grid + Tailwind CSS (Make-up class)


Create a web page from requirements (Make-up class)





Midterm preparation:




Other resources:

Web Design


DBM Course





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